FMCSA Clearinghouse - II final rule beginning 11/18/2024

Drivers with a "prohibited" status in the clearinghouse will lose or be denied their state issued commercial driving privileges.
As Required in the second Clearinghouse final rule (Clearinghouse - II), beginning November 18, 2024, SDLA's (State Driving Licensing Agencies) must query the clearinghouse before issuing, renewing or upgrading a CLP; and must review a driver's information when notified by the Clearinghouse of a status change.
SDLA's will be required to remove the CDL or CLP privilege from the driver's license of an individual subject to the CMV driving probation. This would result in a downgrade of the license until the driver completes the RTD (return to duty) process.
If you would like assistance on monitoring the status of your drivers, including MVR's, PSP and clearinghouse inquiries please let us know.