Be prepared for these vehicle and driver safety checks - coming this spring and summer.

May 16-18 - International Roadcheck - This is the largest targeted enforcement program for commercial motor vehicles in the world. The focus for this 72 hour blitz will be on ABS (anti-lock braking systems) and cargo securement. During roadside checks, inspectors will be doing a level 1 inspection - checking vehicle safety and also checking driver safety.
Vehicle Safety: Inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, fuel and exhaust systems, frames, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, wheels, rims, hubs and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations. Inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans and other passenger-carrying vehicles also include emergency exits, seating, and electrical cables and systems in the engine and battery compartments.
Driver Safety: Inspectors will check the driver’s operating credentials, hours-of-service documentation, status in the drug and alcohol clearinghouse, seat belt usage, and for alcohol and/or drug impairment.
July 9-15 - Operation Safe Driver Week - During this week, law enforcement personnel look for commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in risky driving behaviors such as speeding.
August 20-26 - Brake Safety Week - This week will have commercial motor vehicle inspectors conduct brake system inspections (primarily Level IV Inspections) on large trucks and buses throughout North America to identify brake-system violations.
Unannounced ONE-DAY Brake Safety Enforcement Initiative - This can happen at any time during the year and involves inspectors checking brakes to identify any violations.

Be ready! If you have any questions or concerns about any of these inspection dates, please reach out to us. WT Fleet can give you guidance, answer any questions and help keep you violation-free.